Case Study: NREL Solar Data Bounty Challenge


In 2023, our team was tasked with an ambitious initiative by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The goal was to collect comprehensive data on solar PV systems and environmental factors to enable informed decision-making on PV hardware design and improve overall system performance and resiliancy. This case study explores the challenges encountered during the experiment and the innovative solutions, challenges we encountered, and approaches we took to solve them.


Obtaining consent from various stakeholders, including system owners and third-party installers, proved to be a significant challenge. Additionally, we had to navigate outdated APIs, manage diverse data formats, and coordinate multiple parties working in different systems. These obstacles necessitated a centralized and efficient approach to data management.


To overcome these challenges, we devised a three-pronged approach:

  1. Automating Change Management: We developed a microservice architecture that worked to streamline the impact data lifecycle, enabling seamless updates and collaboration between stakeholders while ensuring data accuracy, security, and privacy.
  2. Contextualizing Local Ethics and Risks: This approach integrated ethical considerations and risk management practices to mitigate potential issues throughout the data lifecycle.
  3. Freeing Up Actionable Data: By centralizing actionable data management, we provided all stakeholders with easy access to critical information, breaking down silos and fostering collaboration.

Our approach and solution leveraged Git and GitHub for version control, allowing for efficient data management and collaboration among stakeholders across the impact data lifecycle.


The three-pronged approach effectively addressed the challenges posed by the experiment. Our application based solution facilitated centralized data management, enabling stakeholders to access and analyze information in real-time. This centralized approach led to improved data ownership and control, ensuring data integrity and security.

The initiative provided valuable lessons on the importance of adaptability, collaboration, and innovation in overcoming complex data management challenges.


Our success in this experiment has broader implications for the field of data management. The solutions developed in response to these challenges can be applied to other industries facing similar obstacles, such as healthcare, finance, or energy. Centralized data management, automated change management, and integrated risk management practices can significantly improve decision-making, collaboration, and overall performance across various sectors.


The NREL experiment presented us with unique challenges that required innovative solutions. The three-pronged approach, consisting of automated change management, contextualized ethics and risks, and centralized data management, proved effective in achieving the experiment’s objectives. Our success in this case study demonstrates its commitment to overcoming complex data management challenges and advancing best practices in the industry.

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